Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To Do List

Well it's day 3 as a full time Etsian. It's alot more stressful then I planned on it being. Someone is going to have to peel me from the computer chair at the end of the work day. Sales have been slower then usual. I think it's because I used to list when I was out of work. Now I'm listing at different times of the day. I think I will go back to the same listing schedule (night time) and use my mornings to answer convos, chat, pack orders, and clean my house.

My list of to do's goes as follows:

1. Complete paypal form (since they are having trouble verifying me with my social)
2. Pack a couple orders
3. Find display and set up for pendants to be photographed
4. Schedule photography to be done
5. Update profile on Etsy (someone in a chat, I didn't ask, told me it was boring)
6. Make calendar to track sales
7. Clean/Organize office space

Wow! It's going to be a busy day.


Sylvie said...

Working from home is difficult sometimes. I tend to let other things distract me, or I spend too much time on the computer and neglect the other stuff.

A specific routine and time limits helps my efficiency tremendously. Figure out how much time you want to spend on the computer and stick to that commitment. Do the same thing with your art work and housework. Keeping the computer off during the day helps me alot!