Friday, June 20, 2008

Break Time

Well, it's been a very busy week with Etsy. I realized last night I was feeling a bit exhausted. Then it occured to me that I haven't been taking days off. I'm looking at Etsy every chance I get. You know what I'm talking about: checking your sales, view counts, treasury availability, answering convos and getting caught up in chat and the forums. If you sell on Etsy you know exactly how I feel. It is so addicting. I feel obsessed with it. Enough is Enough. My day off is going to start in about an hour or so.

So, the picture with this post is my retreat. It's the family cabin on the Illinois River in Southern Oregon. I will lay out in the sun and try my hardest not to think about Etsy. I don't think this is possible. There is inter net and the laptop will be calling my name. I will try though. I will vow to enjoy family and the company of others. I owe this to myself for the hard work I put in to my shop on Etsy. I must re coupe to have new energy for next week.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pickin' Up

Sales have really picked up today.
Finally. Phew!

Could it have been my:

  • Updated profile
  • Updated policies
  • Blogging
  • Listing at night
  • Hanging out in the Etsy forums
  • My free earring offer with purchase

I'd say it's all of the above. Now I look forward to making changes to my shop. It obviously works. So moral of the story is not to let things get stale. Keep looking for improvements.

Monday, June 16, 2008

430 Sales

<--- Sale 430 right there.

My goal was to have 100 sales every month. So far this has happened since I opened the Studio 9 shop in June. I'm half way through this month and 70 sales short. 14 more days to go with a very high goal to reach. I'm going to do it. If my two large orders go through I'm set. I just really want to see the number climb and my large orders are condensed to two listings. It's not the same when you don't see the sold number climb. So, I don't want to count those. I want my sold number to reach 500 before the month is over.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rings and Things

Check out one of the new rings in my Etsy shop. I'm in love with them. I was a little hesitant at first but thought why not try something new.

With the graduated band these rings are so comfortable. It's been very hard not to want to keep one for myself.

They have gotten a lot of views and I couldn't be more pleased.

The rings retail for $7.00

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To Do List

Well it's day 3 as a full time Etsian. It's alot more stressful then I planned on it being. Someone is going to have to peel me from the computer chair at the end of the work day. Sales have been slower then usual. I think it's because I used to list when I was out of work. Now I'm listing at different times of the day. I think I will go back to the same listing schedule (night time) and use my mornings to answer convos, chat, pack orders, and clean my house.

My list of to do's goes as follows:

1. Complete paypal form (since they are having trouble verifying me with my social)
2. Pack a couple orders
3. Find display and set up for pendants to be photographed
4. Schedule photography to be done
5. Update profile on Etsy (someone in a chat, I didn't ask, told me it was boring)
6. Make calendar to track sales
7. Clean/Organize office space

Wow! It's going to be a busy day.